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The Casual Penman

This handwriting sample is casual and unrefined, suggesting an easy-going personality that prioritizes speed and efficiency over perfection. With a little practice and attention to detail, this writing could become much neater.

The handwriting in this sample is casual and unrefined, with varying letter sizes and slants, and some irregularities in the baseline. For example, the word 'Selamat' demonstrates this casualness. There are a few places where the writer appears to be in a rush, and this makes it harder to interpret what has been written.

The casualness of this handwriting style suggests someone who is easy-going and approachable. The writer might also value speed and efficiency over perfection. This individual probably has a relaxed attitude and isn't too concerned with the finer details of life. Their writing may also indicate that they are down-to-earth and prefer practicality over formality. The style might be influenced by someone who writes like this frequently, or simply from lack of practice. For example, the 'H' in 'HOTEL' looks quite different from most people's.

While the handwriting is legible for the most part, there's room for improvement in terms of consistency and neatness. Try practicing writing with a focus on maintaining a consistent slant and letter size. This will enhance readability and create a more polished impression. Also, pay attention to spacing between words and letters, ensuring they are evenly distributed. For example, the words 'UNI BEACH' appear quite rushed.










Leaderboard for Tuesday, 26 November 2024

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