How do I convert a handwriting PDF to text?

FAQ Handwriting to text
Published May 2, 2024

Converting a handwriting PDF to text can be a challenging but manageable task with the right tools. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology has advanced to the point where it can accurately interpret handwritten text from various formats like PDFs, images, and notes within apps. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Convert handwritten notes to Word, Google Docs and Markdown with the #1 handwriting to text converter. Try for free now →

  1. Choose an OCR Tool: First, you need an OCR tool that specializes in handwriting recognition. Some popular options include HandwritingOCR (, Google Keep, and OneNote.

  2. Upload Your File: Depending on the tool you choose, you’ll generally need to upload your handwritten PDF. For instance, HandwritingOCR allows you to upload PDFs directly on their website.

  3. Set Parameters: Some OCR tools offer customization options where you can set parameters like the recognition language, output format, and others for better accuracy.

  4. Start the Conversion: Initiate the conversion process. This might take a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the size and quality of your PDF.

  5. Review the Text Output: After the OCR process is complete, closely review the converted text. Handwriting OCR can sometimes make mistakes, especially with poor-quality scans or cursive writing. Make necessary corrections for any errors you encounter.

  6. Save the Digital Text: Finally, save the converted text in your preferred format. Most tools will allow you to save the text as a .txt file, a Word document, or even as an editable PDF.

Here are some additional tips for better results:

  • Quality of Original Document: Ensure the original handwritten document is clear and legible. High-quality scans improve recognition accuracy.

  • Consistent Handwriting: More consistent handwriting typically results in fewer errors during the OCR process.

  • Post-Processing: After converting the text, take time to review and edit the text for any inaccuracies.

Using a specialized tool like HandwritingOCR ( can simplify the process and enhance accuracy, making your task of converting handwritten PDFs into digital text straightforward and efficient.

Convert handwritten notes to Word, Google Docs and Markdown with the #1 handwriting to text converter. Try for free now →